Is This You?

Crisis or Challenge

You’re facing a major challenge or crisis, perhaps feeling like you're losing or have lost your balance or more importantly, your Self.

Crossroads or Change

You’re at a crossroads or looking at change in your work or life and feeling stagnant or stuck, wondering which direction to go.

Creating or Calling

You’ve done well professionally and financially, but still have this sense that “something’s missing,” you feel called to create a greater vision.

Bring Your Light to Life.

Bring Your Life To Light.

Wherever you may be in your work or life, the world needs you to be your best, live your best, and give your best.

Thomas J. Shields

Thomas J. Shields

I’m Thomas J. Shields, Optimal Vision Coach and founder of the Optimal Vision Institute. For over 20 years, I’ve been coaching leaders in healthcare, business, sports, education and other fields.

The Amazing You

Let's Get Started

Refocus Session

Refocus Session

Free initial 30-minute refocusing consultation on focus and getting clear. Consultations in-person, by phone, FaceTime, Skype or Zoom.

Revision Assessment

Comprehensive Re-Vision Assessment. Group and team coaching, partner and couple coaching, and one-to-one coaching in person or online.

Refocus Your Life

Refocus Your Life

Discover Your Right Work; maximize potential, performance, and pay; win without losing personally; and build your legacy.

The Seven Keys

1st Key


Reconnect and recharge with the Source
of your true power as a spiritual being.

2nd Key


Know thyself and thy selves.
An introduction to your Internal Team.

3rd Key


Review and renew your life story to find hidden treasures you may have overlooked.

4th Key


Refocus, revise, and get clear about your roles, purpose, passion, mission, goals and vision.

5th Key


Clear invisible restraints by resolving conflict, limiting beliefs and releasing negativity.

6th Key


Realign virtues and values, work with spiritual laws, and raise your standard for living.

Contact Coach Tom

Contact me here for a free consultation or reach out on Facebook or LinkedIn. You’re also welcome to give me a call at +1.980.292.2932.

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